Thursday, December 22, 2011

Extreme Paper Cutting + Some More (more than 1)

Found this paper artist

There's more of Karen Bit Vejle's work at the Daily Art Muse.  This site highlights magnificant artists.  If you like eye-candy, take a look.

I found this on

I don't collect Hub Cabs - yet. But this caught my eye (both of em) on a site I hadn't been to before.  This is A LOT of work! 

Did you know we have a miniatures supply store here in Atlanta?  Well we do (which is good to know since I'm getting Gabi a dollhouse for her 3rd birthday).  Miniatures can be used in SOOOOO many mixed media projects.

That's it - just thought I'd share.

Peace - out...

1 comment:

  1. cool cut paper...
    my miniature collection is what got me started in my found object assemblage endeavors!
